Friday, March 13, 2009

Dear Davy

Dear Davy,

To start, I love you madly. I mean that, too. I love you such that I would go outside the norms of society to protect you. If I were to ever lose you, I would surely lose my mind.

I recently read a poem another mother wrote about her time with her newborn son (born a week or two before you). She wrote about how her son will never remember these early months and moments, but she will never forget. There is so much truth in that. I don't think anything could truly have prepared me for how bittersweet motherhood really is. First the pain/excitement of the arrival your arrival. Then, from the moment you take your first breaths you start to grow and develop oh-so-fast. Every one talks about how fast it goes and I now realize that it is a parent's lament. You have to learn to fully exist in the present moment. I love the way you are right now- 11 weeks and 3 days old. The way you look. The way you smell. How you respond to the world around you. Still, I always look forward to the things you will be able to do in the future- crawling, walking, talking...calculus (Haha! No, seriously, I do expect you to do it.;-))- but at the same time I miss the tiny baby that I first knew, that creature of reflexes and quiet alertness. I know that only in a matter of months, I am going to desperately miss my three month old while reveling in the accomplishments of my ever growing boy.

You are my firstborn and therefore will always be a little extraspecial...and not just because you managed to survive my inexperience! You will teach me as much or more than I teach you. You are the first expansion of my heart.

My eternal love,


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