Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I spilled Davy's TriViSol all over him today. Ugh. I was giving it to him and in between drops my phone rang. I picked it up then went back to give Davy the rest of the vitamins. Not thinking about the open bottle of vitamins now in the same hand as the dropper I leaned my hand down and WHOOSH, there goes half of what is left in the bottle. BRILLIANT!! It was all over his face and all over his shirt and the onesie underneath. TriViSol is colored with caramel. We have several burp clothes with stains from it, so very quickly I undressed him and set the clothes to soak in some Woolite. I wiped his face and neck (after I found it, haha- it's tough with all that chubbiness in the way) and redressed him. He had this look on his face like "Gee mom, what's the big deal?" Anyway, yes, very nice. It was bound to happen sooner or later, though.

Saturday and Sunday night Davy slept for a six hour stretch! He also went about seven to eight hours without eating both those nights (a little painful for me! but it was great to get a decent stretch of uninterrupted sleep). Then Monday night, out the window! I don't know what happened! We did everything exactly the same, but that's just the nature of babies I suppose. I don't think I had a single unitterupted hour on Monday night. It wasn't necessarily that he was awake, but he did eat every three to four hours and then was sort of restless in between. Last night was better. He slept for a somewhat longer stretch again, but was restless after his 4am feeding. We recently started a bedtime routine, but he is still wanting to sleep in someone's arms or close to someone's arms. I have no problem rocking him to sleep, but it is hit and miss if he will stay down when I put him down. I guess he is- temporarily- a little ruined from the first few weeks of his life. After he was born, we just held him all the time (which I actually believe is important for newborn babies and bonding and all of that) in the hospital- even while he was sleeping. Then it continued at home because of my limited mobility. Then we were back in the hospital for another week- so another week of holding him while he slept. Don't get me wrong, I really truly enjoy the closeness. It is wonderful. The only problem is his flailing! He is such a mover and a shaker that it continues into his sleep. I do wonder if he would do better sleeping on his own at night....well, actually I wonder if I would sleep better. Ok, enough of this rambling. We're just going to keep doing what is best for us. Keep working on a routine/schedule. Who cares where he sleeps as long as he is safe and he is sleeping!

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