Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Few of My Favorite Things

The experience of meeting your baby for the first time is incomparable. They are so tiny and fragile (seeming). How can a bone be as tiny as the one in the tip of a baby's pinkie and still be functional?! The process of getting to know them starts with utter awe at everything they do. Then, you get to see the looks on your family's faces when they see the new addition for the first time, and that is a wonderful experience in and of itself. I hope I never forget the first time I met Davy and saw everyone else meet Davy. Since then, though, I have discovered so many different things that I love about him. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • I love the way he smells. It's not the smell of baby products (the only thing we use on his is baby soap anyway). It is a truly unique smell. Kind of like baby kittens have a unique smell. Haha, I've often wondered if someone else's baby would smell differently to me.

  • It sounds cliche, but I love watching him sleep. In that moment I know he is content and I don't worry about all the things that I should be or should not be doing for him. I love the smoothness of his face while he is sleeping- perfection.

  • I love how alert he is...apparently even in comparison with other babies. The nurses in the hospital just raved about how alert and bright-eyed he was. That hasn't really changed a bit. He seems to take in the world around him with great curiosity and that gives me high hopes for his future (like I didn't already have them!).

  • I love it when he smiles at me! Yesterday when I was feeding him he looked up and me and started to grin. I smiled back and he smiled bigger. Finally he had to break away from his lunch so he could give me a big smile and coo. It was heaven.

  • Speaking of feeding, I love that no one else in the world will see him in exactly the same way that I do when he is nursing.
  • I love his "burp face." Haha. Since he was born, he makes this funny face when Robby and I burp him. You just have to see it.

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