Monday, February 23, 2009

Busy Boy

Davy has had an eventful weekend and Monday! First, on Friday he took his first trip to the library for the annual Friends of the Library book sale! I spent $32 on bargain-priced children's books. Yeah. That equals more than 32 books- yay Mommy! They had a boy carry them out to the car for me. Also, our Moby Wrap came on Friday, so I took the opportunity to try it out at the book sale and both it and Davy were a major hit with all the women working the sale. Then, on Saturday my dad and his wife and their kids all came over for a visit. They hadn't seen Davy since he was about a week old and couldn't believe how he's grown. We went back to the book sale, too. On Sunday Davy attended his first Mass. We sat in the choir loft with the choir since that is where we'll be once I start singing on Sundays again. He did pretty well until after communion. The eleven o'clock Mass is a bit long, though, so I expected he might get antsy at some point. Otherwise, he loved the music (he started hearing it about 5 months before he was born) and he examined one of the stained-glass windows for quite a while. Finally, he had his two month well-baby check-up today. He weighs 12lbs 10oz (75th percentile) and is 22.5 inches long (50th percentile). Also, his head circumference measured 75th percentile. Maybe that's why we have so much trouble keeping a hat on that round noggin! The doctor said he looked great, then it was time for his vaccinations. I was more nervous about this part than I thought I would be, but I think I did a pretty good job hiding it from Davy. I think the first shot is the worst. The nurse jabs that huge (well, it seems huge for a little baby) needle so deep into his little thigh. For a few seconds it doesn't register, then he finally realizes how much it hurts. :'( Ugh. It's awful. It's important, but it's awful. Heartbreaking. I held his hand while he cried and cried. The second shot wasn't as bad as the first because he was already crying, but in between legs (yes! two in each leg!) he calmed down a bit and it was almost like the first time again when she jabbed him again in the other leg. After all four shots were over Robby popped the Soothie in Davy's mouth and the poor little guy was almost immediately calm. I could tell he was still hurt and even a bit traumatized, but he was quiet. So brave for such a little guy. (I know it isn't really bravery at this stage, but allow me to romanticize my baby's emotions.) He did very well on the ride home- no crying at all. He slept for a good bit of today, either on top of me or in his Moby wrap. I think he earned it. He would be a little fussy whenever he started to wake up, but otherwise I got several glimpses of my happy man. So wonderfully sweet!

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