Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week Six

Davy was six weeks old this past Tuesday! It's absolutely unbelievable how quickly those six weeks have passed. And I thought pregnancy flew by! I guess the next 18 or so years are going to be a blur. Here's a brief run-down of the past week until now:

Monday: My first day alone with Davy during the day. I must admit I was a little nervous. However, aside from our continuing issue with naps, the day went well. I was even able to take a shower! I settled him in his bouncy chair right there in the bathroom, turned on some classical music (Handel's Water Music, actually, which is kind of funny now that I think about it) and he was wonderfully content. I think the key to this was that I did it right after a feeding when he was most likely to be happy- success!

Tuesday: This was a great day for Davy. He woke up happy, took long (well, for him maybe) naps in his bassinet, and clocked in about 10 minutes of tummy-time! We are having to work on the tummy-time thing because he didn't get as much as I would have liked for him to during his first three weeks because of me being either in the hospital or in too much discomfort to get on the floor with him. He was in a very jolly mood all day- cooing and "giggling" and all kinds of things. I got a great picture of him smiling at the mobile that I "doctored" for him (the bears were plain white! not interesting at all, so I got a fabric marker and drew bullseyes and zig-zags on them; he likes it much better now). Also, I went to the doctor on this day (again, I've been at least once a week since the second week of November). He looked at my wound and then called the wound care nurses to come see what they thought. I don't actually think that he knows too much about what was going on with my wound and everything. I mean, he is an older doctor so he has probably seen a lot- he just hasn't really been acting like it. Anyway, the nurses said it looked like it was time to let the wound dry out and scab over- so no more bandages at all! Which is really a relief. Even without the Wound VAC, changing a bandage with gel and vaseline gauze and dry gauze and the whole nine yards takes up a lot of time when you are also trying to meet the needs of a newborn. Oh! I don't have to go back for another four weeks! Unbelievable! I won't know what's going on when I'm not driving to Brookwood Hospital any day next week! Overall, Tuesday= Good day.

Wednesday: Not as good a day. Davy was a little fussy and did not want to take naps longer than 20 minutes. His good moods were occasional. Oh well.

Thursday (today): So far, not so bad. He woke up on the wrong side of the bed. He's never been that fussy first thing in the morning before. I knew he wasn't hungry. I changed his diaper. I gave him some Gripe Water (by the way- that stuff is a miracle for stopping the hiccups 9/10 times). Finally, I put him skin-to-skin on my chest and after a few minutes he relaxed. I think he might have been cold. It has been WAY too chilly lately. I can't wait for it to warm up so that we can perhaps start a daily walk. He's sleeping now; we'll see how long it lasts...

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